Color Doppler


Our Color Doppler Vascular Studies offer a comprehensive assessment of blood flow and vascular health. Using advanced ultrasound technology, we visualize and analyze blood vessels to detect blockages, assess circulation, and identify anomalies. This non-invasive procedure aids in diagnosing conditions like deep vein thrombosis, arterial stenosis, and aneurysms. Our experienced technicians and state-of-the-art equipment ensure accurate and detailed results, enabling timely intervention and personalized treatment plans. With Color Doppler Vascular Studies, we prioritize your cardiovascular well-being, providing valuable insights that contribute to your overall health and quality of life.

Carotid Doppler

Our Carotid Doppler service utilizes advanced ultrasound technology to assess carotid artery health. Detect blockages, assess blood flow, and manage risk factors for optimal vascular well-being.

Arterial Doppler of Upper & Lower Limb

Our Arterial Doppler service evaluates upper and lower limb arteries using advanced ultrasound technology. Accurate assessments help identify circulatory issues and guide effective treatment strategies for vascular health.

Venous Doppler of Upper & Lower Limb

Utilizing advanced ultrasound technology, our Venous Doppler service assesses upper and lower limb veins. Accurate evaluations aid in diagnosing venous disorders and planning appropriate interventions for optimal vascular well-being.

Renal Doppler, Portal Doppler

Benefit from Renal and Portal Doppler services, using advanced ultrasound technology for accurate assessments. Detect vascular conditions in kidneys and liver to guide effective medical management.